The Italian Permanent Delegation to UNESCO and BIE is pleased to announce that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has established the Italian bilateral scientific cooperation award which, reaching its sixth edition, is devoted, in alternate years to senior and junior researchers, who have distinguished themselves in the context of their working country. The award is established to recognize the work of an Italian scientist who has contributed significantly to science and technology (S&T) advancement by conducting their research abroad, thus improving Italy’s S&T relations with foreign countries and International Organizations, in this particular case with France. For this edition, the call is addressed to researchers under 35. Applications (nominees), which must be submitted through researchers or scientific institutions as nominators, will be reviewed by a scientific committee consisting of, in addition to MUR and MAECI, the Presidents of the main Research Centers and the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI).
Call for application and Nomination form
For information and applications for the Europe region, country France: