Commemoration of Prof. Rita Levi Montalcini (Nobel Price for Biology in 1986)
A commemoration ceremony of the Italian neurologue, Prof. Rita Levi Montalcini, took place today at UNESCO’s head offices in Paris. She would have been 104.The celebration was opened by H.E. Mr Maurizio Enrico Serra, Ambassador of Italy to UNESCO, whose speech was followed by those of Ms Gretchen Kalonji, ADG for Natural Sciences, Ms […]
Read moreConcert by the International Musical Academy of Cagliari at UNESCO
Last 26 April UNESCO hosted the sixth edition of the classical music concert “Sardinia, music at the heart of the Mediterranean”. The event was organized by the International Musical Academy of Cagliari in collaboration with the Permanent Delegation of Italy, and has been promoted by the Sardinia Region and the municipality of Cagliari.Counsellor Francesco […]
Madame la Présidente du Conseil Exécutif,Madame la Présidente de la Conférence générale,Madame la Directrice générale, Chers Collègues et Membres du Conseil Exécutif,l’Italie souscrit pleinement au discours prononcé par Monsieur le Délégué permanent du Danemark au nom de l’Union Européenne et de ses Etats membres et membres associés.Au moment où le Conseil Exécutif se penche sur […]
Read moreOpening of the art-exhibition/performance the Garbage Patch State at UNESCO
Today, UNESCO’s Director-General, Irina Bokova, and Amb. Maurizio Serra opened the art-exhibition by the Italian artist Maria Cristina Finucci in front of a selected audience. The performance, which is part of the Wasteland project, aimes at raising awareness about global pollution.
Read moreSelezione per impiegato amministrativo presso il Consolato italiano di Parigi
Il Consolato Generale d’Italia di Parigi ha indetto una procedura di selezione per l’assunzione di n° 1 impiegato a contratto da adibire ai servizi di assistente amministrativo.Per il bando e le varie informazioni, consultare il loro sito web
Read moreL’Italia garantisce altri 1.2 milioni di dollari per la conservazione del patrimonio afgano
Si é svolta nei giorni scorsi la cerimonia di lancio del nuovo progetto UNESCO per la conservazione del patrimonio afgano, grazie al contributo italiano di 1.2 milioni di dollari, alla presenza del Ministro dell’Informazione e della Cultura dell’Afghanistan:
Read moreMeeting with the students of the « World Heritage at work » master cycle (Turin)
The students of the « World Heritage at work » master cycle met today with the staff of the Italian Permanent Delegation at UNESCO. Ambassador Serra opened the meeting, which focused on the Delegation’s activities in the framework of UNESCO’s fields of competence and on challenges facing the Organisation in the next future.
Read moreItaly’s candidacy to the Intergovernmental Committee of the 1970 Convention
Italy has presented its candidacy to the Intergovernmental “Committee of the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property” at the elections which will take place in July 2013.
Read moreTraining Course on the protection of Syrian Cultural Heritage
From 10 to 13 February in Amman (Jordan), a training course will take place for Police and Customs officers and for representatives of the organizations of the Middle East Countries. The training will be focused on the protection of Syrian Cultural Heritage. The aim of the meeting is also to project a strategy to fight […]
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